Visioning® - Bringing Dreams and Ideas into Reality for Yourself and for Your Students

Class Length: 3 hours

Based on Dr. Lucia Capacchione’s book Visioning®: Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams, this workshop will be an opportunity to explore your dreams and ideas and begin to bring them into reality through the right-brained activities of collage and journaling. The ten steps of Visioning® can be applied to career, health, relationships, home, and other areas of life and provides a blueprint for realizing personal dreams and goals. It unites the head and the heart and makes real Walt Disney’s statement: “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Have fun and play in this hands-on workshop, where you will create a Visioning® collage using images from magazines, scissors and glue. Journaling activities will be interspersed with the collage making. Use this method in the classroom with your students. This training will benefit all classified staff.


Beth Mattsson

Beth Mattsson
Member Benefits Coordinator, CSEA

Beth Mattsson is a CSEA Member Benefits Coordinator. She has been in the Member Benefits Department for over 11 years managing benefit provider relationships and marketing, CSEA’s scholarship and grant programs, and the exhibitor areas for both the CSEA Annual and Paraeducator Conferences. She is the staff coordinator for the CSEA State Scholarship Committee. In addition to her work at CSEA, she is passionate about the healing power of art for all ages and is a Certified Creative Journal Expressive Arts Instructor, a trained SoulCollage® facilitator and a Master Facilitator of Intuitive Painting and Expressive Arts. She has offered expressive arts workshops to leadership at CSEA and at professional development days at school districts. Prior to working at CSEA, Beth worked at Santa Clara Unified as a student information system database administrator and provided help desk support for the student information system for eight years. Prior to her work in the field of education, she worked as a student information system consultant with school districts across the country. She lives in Menlo Park with her husband and their rescue boxer dog, Bella.