Upcoming Events & Training

Master Planning Calendar

Annual Conference
CSEA is increasing its offering of on-demand webinars and training. Find out what’s available.
Paraeducator Conference
CSEA’s Paraeducator Conference is the premier training event and conference for paraeducators in California. The conference features top trainers and specialized workshops, as well as inspirational speakers and special guests.
Classified School Employee Week
Health & Welfare Symposium
The Health & Welfare Symposium is held every other year to help members navigate their healthcare benefits and train members and staff responsible for negotiating and selecting healthcare benefits for their chapters.
Pre-Retirement Planning
It’s never too early to learn now how CalPERS pays you later. Attend a Pre-Retirement Seminar or Webinar to learn key information about your CalPERS pension and Social Security benefits.
Appreciating Classified Employees Program (ACE)
Maintenance & Operations Academy
CSEA's popular Maintenance & Operations Academy provides training on a variety of important and practical topics for school maintenance and operations workers.
Know your Rights Training
CSEA offers local training to help you learn about your rights on the job and what you can do to protect yourself if your rights are violated.
Union Leadership Training
CSEA member leaders receive specialized training in a variety of subjects to help them succeed in whatever role they are serving. If you are a CSEA leader, of if you are just thinking about becoming one, check out our array of training opportunities.
Leadership Academy
CSEA’s Leadership Academy is a training program providing members with guidance on how to run for appointed to elected local public office in their communities.