Get the leadership training you need to succeed

CSEA prides itself on offering member leaders the training they need to succeed. CSEA experts can teach you everything you need to know, from how to get the most at the bargaining table to how to mobilize members in your chapter.

Organizing Institute

Communications Academy

CSEA Communications Officers learn how to improve their local communications program.

Member Intern Program

Any CSEA member in good standing can apply for acceptance into the Member Intern Program (MIP) to do an internship with a Labor Relations Representative.

Member Trainer Bureau

Member applicants who are selected for this program, serve two-year appointments as part of CSEA’s Member Trainer Bureau. They are trained by and work closely with the Training and Development Department to provide specific training presentations.

Membership Unity Program

CSEA sponsors a unique program for chapters interested in strengthening their membership through organizing.

Officer Skills Training

CSEA presents this annual training for chapter presidents, vice presidents, secretaries, treasurers and communications officers. 

Organizing Institute

During a week of intensive training, participants learn how to plan and wage campaigns on subjects ranging from electing better school board candidates to challenging contracting out.

Policy 610 Review

Protect members’ statutory rights for participation in union activities by ensuring that you are familiar with, and follow, Policy 610.

Site Rep Training

Site Representatives are the eyes and ears of CSEA at the worksite. CSEA provides training for site reps to help them provide information to members and potential members at the worksite.

Union Steward Training

CSEA ensures that its union stewards get as much training as they need through the CSEA Union Steward Program. Each level of this training program enhances a Steward’s knowledge and expertise through classroom and online training, and practical experience.

Additional Leadership Training Opportunities

Throughout the year, CSEA offers a wide variety of training opportunities that can help you in your role as a CSEA leader. Many of these trainings are announced in Leadership Mail or from your field office.