Your Rights

Your Rights

As classified employees, we are afforded many basic rights by law or through collective bargaining. Learn about your rights on the job and what you can do to protect yourself if your rights are violated.
Understanding your Contract

Understanding your Contract

Your contract is what determines your pay, your benefits and many of your rights on the job. That’s why CSEA works to secure the best possible collective bargaining agreements with your employer and ensure the terms are enforced.
Legislative Issues

Legislative Issues

CSEA works with elected representatives to secure legislation that improves conditions for classified employees and fights off bills and ballot initiatives that would harm our members and our schools.
Retirement Security

Retirement Security

As workers, we earn our pension. It’s not a gift, and it certainly isn’t a benefit we can afford to lose. Learn more about your rights and what you can do to keep your retirement secure.



Learn more about the next election and which candidates and issues CSEA supports.
Charter Schools

Charter Schools

Like many in the education community, CSEA is concerned with the unregulated growth and lack of accountability of publicly-funded, privately-managed charter schools.

Join the Retiree Unit

CSEA Retiree Unit

As a CSEA Retiree Unit member, you can help us protect our pensions and other rights for classified employees and retirees.



The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on CSEA members working in our public schools and community colleges. Find out the latest developments for classified employees.