Learn how you can play a bigger role on the CSEA team

As a CSEA member, you are part of the largest classified union in the nation. Despite our size, CSEA remains an organization of people. As a member-governed union, we rely on members to step forward and contribute new ideas and new energy.
There are many ways you can volunteer and get involved with CSEA. Local chapter meetings are open to all members, and everyone is encouraged to attend. Talk with leaders of your chapter to find out what kind of help is needed.
Whatever you choose to do, just remember that getting involved is the lifeblood of our union. The only way for us to grow and improve is if new volunteers like you get involved. Talk to someone today about how you can play a bigger role on the CSEA team.
Site Representative
A good "entry-level" job is site representative. Site reps provide a vital communication link between members and chapter leaders. Site reps help sign up new members through CSEA’s New Employee Orientation program. They also keep bulletin boards updated and answer questions at their site or refer co-workers to the appropriate chapter officers or union staff for answers. CSEA provides Site Representative Training though each of its 10 field offices.
Union Steward
If you really want to roll up your sleeves and help out members of your chapter, you can become a CSEA union steward. These volunteers protect employees' rights on the job, enforce the contract and keep management in check. It's a tough job requiring both knowledge and instinct, but as most stewards will tell you, the work is very rewarding. CSEA ensures that its job stewards get as much training as they need through the CSEA Steward Program. Participants get comprehensive training on everything from legal rights to listening skills.
Chapter Officer
Each year, members elect their co-workers to serve on the chapter executive board (president, vice-president(s), secretary, treasurer, etc.). These elections are open to any member in good standing. Maybe it's time for you to run for office and help lead your chapter. Again, CSEA provides chapter officers with plenty of training opportunities.
Chapter Committees
Many chapters elect and appoint members to various standing and ad hoc committees. These committees handle everything from negotiations to welcoming new members. Joining a committee is another great way to get involved with your chapter.
Chapter Webmaster
Chapter Webmasters help keep members up-to-date on local news and events. CSEA provides its Webmasters with all the training and tools they need. If you’re interested in becoming a chapter Webmaster, get more information online, then talk to your chapter president.
Regional and Statewide Positions
If you are interested in serving as a Regional Representative or on a CSEA statewide committee, please fill out the CSEA Volunteer Form. The Association President uses this form as a basis for appointments.
Members in good standing can seek election to the CSEA Board of Directors. Likewise, Retiree Unit Members can seek election to the Retiree Unit Executive Board. Learn more about CSEA Board Elections.