Improving the lives of our members, students and communities
CSEA was formed in 1927 when a determined group of Oakland custodians came together to secure pension benefits for school employees who could not afford to retire. Today, CSEA is the largest classified school employees union in the United States, representing nearly 250,000 school support staff throughout California.
CSEA members perform a wide range of essential work in our public schools and community colleges, including security, food services, office and clerical work, school maintenance and operations, transportation, academic assistance and paraeducator services, library and media assistance, computer services and more.
We are proud of our contributions toward California’s future, and we strive every day to carry out our mission to improve the lives of our members, students and communities.
Values and Goals
CSEA’s Core Values and Organizational Goals express CSEA’s vision and purpose as a union. Both documents serve as the foundation for achieving our mission: “To Improve the lives of our members, students and community.”

Essential Workers
CSEA members do the essential work that keeps our campuses safe, clean and efficient. From the classroom to the playground, the school cafeteria to the college financial aid office – we make a difference in our schools and communities.

CSEA History
From our founding in 1927 to the work we are doing today, CSEA has a proud history of improving the lives of our members and making a difference in our public schools and community colleges.