Officer Resources

CSEA provides training, publications and a variety of other resources designed to help CSEA leaders best serve their membership. From online toolkits to dedicated resource pages, we have the tools and information you need.

Design Toolbox

Build professional flyers, news articles and more using the CSEA Design Toolbox.

Communication Tools

Good communication can make all the difference in a CSEA chapter. We have tools and resources to help you make the most of your communications.


Official CSEA bulletins are sent to CSEA leaders each week as part of Leadership Mail.

Document Search

Search our library of CSEA documents and forms. These documents are generally posted as downloadable PDFs.

Policy Handbook

CSEA’s policy handbook lists all of CSEA’s official policies. This document is updated whenever new policies are approved by the Association.

Constitution & Bylaws

This document presents CSEA’s official Constitution & Bylaws and Standing Rules.


CSEA Toolkits are a curated collection of resources that address specific subject matters and audiences.

CSEA Webmasters

CSEA provides all its chapters with their own CSEA-branded website that is ready to be localized by a designated chapter webmaster.