CSEA members vote to make a difference

Election Day

CSEA members have a proud tradition of making a difference in elections. From local school board races to state and federal elections, we know that voting for pro-education, pro-labor candidates and issues can have a direct impact on our jobs, families and communities.

CSEA Endorsements and 2024 Voter Guide

CSEA endorsed several candidates in this election. Endorsements are listed in the CSEA Voter Guide along with an overview of CSEA’s endorsement process.

Voter Guide

Register to Vote

California’s 2024 General Election will be held November 5, and ballots will be mailed to voters on October 7. Check your voter status or register to vote online.

Register to Vote

We Need Your Help!

Join us as we work the phone banks and knock on doors in your community for pro-labor candidates who will stand up for the rights and needs of hard-working Californians like us.

School board seats, every congressional seat, every Assembly seat, half the state Senate seats, a U.S. Senate seat and the presidency are on the ballot, which means so is the future of our members – both active and retired.