Ensuring Successful Transition to Adulthood for Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities

Class Length: 3 hours

This training will focus on facilitating successful movement from school to post-secondary activities for students with moderate to severe disabilities, including integrated employment, independent living, and community participation. Movement to postsecondary activities is guided by the student’s strengths, preferences, and interests. Critical to the success of this process is: 1) determining students’ developmental profile, 2) translating students’ developmental profile into postsecondary activities and goals, and 3) lining up postsecondary activities and goals with Indicator 13 and evidence-based Transition practices and predictors for success. Case studies and visual supports will be used to demonstrate application of practices.


Dr. Scott Gutentag

Dr. Scott Gutentag

Dr. Scott Gutentag is a school psychologist at the Diagnostic Center, Southern California. He holds a Ph.D. in School Psychology with a specialization in Clinical Child Psychology from Ohio State University. As a licensed educational psychologist, Scott holds the National Certification for School Psychology from the National Association of School Psychologists. Scott has provided psychological services in a variety of settings including schools, behavioral clinics, treatment programs, and hospitals. Additionally, he has taught undergraduate and graduate level university courses in psychology at several institutions.


