Beginning November 2023, we will be moving to paperless timecards and will be using a system called InformedK12, see attachment for Guide to see the step-by-step instructions on submitting timecards using the new...
Our TA was approved by CSEA Field office and is ready for ratification vote. Please be sure to read the TA under events and we are looking forward to seeing you at the meeting to discuss and answer all questions...
Your bargaining team met with LAUSD on Monday, October 30, 2023, to continue negotiating our successor contract. During the meeting, we discussed some pending items including Hours & Overtime and Evaluations.
Attending the 20th Anniversary CARA Conference in Oakland. L-R, chair Penry. Dist O Director Roberta McElfresh, Dist H Juan Garcia, Dist K Candace Claar. Dist A Carla Held. Your RUEB leaders are hard at work to...