Thank you for supporting the Victory Club!

As a Victory Club member, you understand the importance of joining together to make a difference. Thanks to your contribution, the Victory Club is able to help elect local, state and federal officials who value the essential work of classified employees.
CSEA's Victory Club helps fund school board campaigns, school bond elections, statewide ballot campaigns, state and federal legislative races and campaigns for state constitutional officers. Victory Club funds are exclusively used for these purposes and cannot be spent on CSEA operational expenses not related to these elections. The Victory Club only supports candidates who have received CSEA’s official endorsement based on their proven voting records and completed questionnaires that demonstrate a strong support for issues that benefit classified employees. These issues include:
- Protecting the education budget and increasing education funding
- Electing school board members and community college trustees
- Increasing pension and healthcare benefits
- Stopping the privatization and outsourcing of classified jobs to the private sector
- Electing state and federal officials who will stand up for working families
Together, we are making a difference for CSEA members throughout California. Your continued contribution is invaluable as we stand up for public education and working families.
If you are able, please consider increasing your Victory Club donation. Or help us recruit more CSEA members to join the Victory Club. Information is available at