Donate to the CSEA Assistance Fund

CSEA knows that life outside of school is just as important as the one inside of it. That’s why CSEA provides emergency and humanitarian assistance to members when they need it most.
Support for the Dorothy Bjork Assistance Fund doesn’t come from union dues—it relies solely on donations from our CSEA family. If you’ve already made a donation, thank you for your generosity. If not, please consider how much your contribution will be appreciated by those members in need.
The CSEA Assistance Fund is a tax-exempt nonprofit as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 82-3776783.
Donate today!
See's Candies Fundraiser
Purchase See's Candies and a portion of the funds will go directly to the Dorothy Bjork Assistance Fund.
Donate Online:
Use our easy-to-use online donation form for year-round donations.
Donate by Check:
Please send your donation made payable to:
CSEA Assistance Fund
2045 Lundy Avenue, San Jose, CA 95131
Donate by Phone:
Call CSEA Member Benefits 866-ITS-CSEA (866-487-2732), option 1.