Welcome to the CSEA Retiree Unit!

CSEA hopes you enjoy your retirement, and we look forward to your membership in the Retiree Unit. Once your application has been processed, you will be mailed a Retiree Unit membership card with your Retiree Unit member identification number.

As a member of CSEA’s Retiree Unit, you will be assigned to a local Council and will receive notices of all the local meetings. The annual district meetings and social events that are held throughout the state make a good place to reunite with your former work friends and acquaintances and learn about current retiree issues. Please make sure to keep your email address current, so you can receive notifications of the dates and times. Update your email here

Access your benefits

As a member of the Retiree Unit, there are many services and discounts available to you through CSEA’s Member Benefits program. We offer Medicare and Social Security Advocacy, Free College for you and your family (including grandchildren) and much, much more.

Get involved

We have groups that raise money for Grandchild Grants, members who advocate at CalPERS on retiree issues and many opportunities for you to volunteer.  Visit My CSEA to find contact information for your local Retiree Unit Council and representatives on the Retiree Unit Executive Board

Retire from your job, not your union

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