Stay Connected to CSEA with Personal Email

At CSEA, we know that unity is our strength, and that unity requires good communication and organization. The best way for you to stay connected with your union and informed of your rights is through your personal email.

Why you SHOULD NOT use your work email for CSEA communication:
  • Your work email addresses are controlled by your employer, not by you, which means your employer can access and monitor any emails you send or receive, compromising sensitive union information.
  • District/employer email filters sometimes block email sent by CSEA, including verification codes sent to members trying to log in to the CSEA website.
  • CSEA cannot send certain emails to your work email. There are legal and ethical boundaries regarding the use of school resources, including email systems, for political purposes. By using personal email addresses, CSEA and our members adhere to these regulations and prevent any potential conflicts or violations.
Why you SHOULD use your personal email for CSEA communication:
  • Personal email addresses offer flexibility and accessibility, allowing you to receive and respond to communications from CSEA at any time, regardless of your location or employment status.
  • Using your personal email address allows you to control who has access to your correspondence and ensure that communications regarding negotiating, organizing activities, and union strategies remain private and confidential.
  • A personal email account allows you to keep your email history even if you take a job with a different employer.
Make sure CSEA has your personal email!

If you are already receiving CSEA email at your personal email address, there is no need to take action.

However, if you are receiving CSEA email at your district/work email address, please update your email. 

Update Email