CSEA Headquarters

CSEA Headquarters

Based in San Jose, California, CSEA's Headquarters houses several different departments, as well as the Association President's office, the CSEA Member Benefits Service Center.

2045 Lundy Avenue
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 473-1000 / (800) 632-2128
FAX: (408) 432-6249

Departments and Contacts

Executive Department

By providing coordination, advice and counsel, the Executive Department guides the democratic structure of CSEA.

Field Operations Department

The Field Operations Department is responsible for CSEA’s representational activity and managing CSEA field offices.

Human Resources Department

The Human Resources Department manages the paid staff who work for CSEA. The department recruits for field positions and other critical roles throughout the organization. 

Member Education/Staff Development Department

The Member Education/Staff Development Department administers many of CSEA’s education and training programs for both members and staff.

Communications Department

The Communications Department creates written and graphic communications for CSEA leaders, members and the public.

Member Benefits Department

The Member Benefits/Services Department directs, coordinates, and expands benefits and services for members, including insurance, entertainment, and discounts.

Legal Department

The Legal Department gives legal advice to Field Operations staff as they represent members. It also litigates in court to enforce classified employees’ rights and refers members to assistance with their off-the-job legal problems.

Facilities Department

The Facilities department ensures a safe and comfortable working environment for members and staff. It also oversees CSEA’s print operations.

Finance/Accounting Department

The Finance/Accounting Department manages all accounting and financial records for CSEA.

Information Systems Department

The Information Systems Department is responsible for CSEA’s information technology.