March 2023 Chapter Meeting
This is the regular Chapter meeting for Ocean View Chapter 375.
Please Note
Zoom is changing their security so that you must click the meeting link from an e-mail that is sent to you after registration. Please check your spam or junk. If you do not receive the e-mail, please e-mail
How to Join the Chapter Meeting
Please read the instructions below to avoid problems connecting to the Chapter meeting.
- Please use your PERSONAL (home) e-mail address when registering. If you use your District e-mail address, you will be rejected from joining the meeting.
- Please update your Zoom to the latest version now at - this resolves a lot of issues.
- If you have trouble joining the meeting, please come back to this page and simply re-register. You will get a special link to join the meeting - you cannot use the meeting ID to join. Remember: you need to use your personal e-mail address.
- Restart your computer or device if all else fails.
- If you still have issues, send an e-mail to with your phone number, and we will send you a dial-in number.
- Be sure you are signed out of your District Zoom account!