New deadline for layoff notification

CSEA is fighting for your job at all levels
Layoff parity for classified employees
For nearly 50 years, CSEA has pushed for layoff parity, and in October 2021, this became reality when Governor Newsom signed AB 438.
As of January 1, 2022, most classified employees finally have the same layoff rights as certificated and administrative colleagues with the same March 15 layoff notice and hearing rights regardless of job title.
Know your rights about layoffs
You can only be laid off for lack of work or lack of funds, and (as of Jan. 1, 2022) most classified employees are required to be notified of a layoff by March 15. Districts must also bargain over the effects of a layoff or the decision to reduce hours. Many chapters have successfully negotiated layoff and reemployment provisions into their contracts. When your union is involved, it gives you a voice in determining your fate. Get the facts about layoffs.
Continue your CSEA membership
While CSEA membership after layoff is optional, many members choose to retain their union membership. Whether by retaining active membership, switching to inactive membership or joining the Retiree Unit, there are several ways to stay involved with CSEA and maintain your union benefits.
Surviving Layoffs
This publication provides dozens of resources for members who are laid off from their job. Learn about options for keeping health insurance, keeping your home, dealing with creditors and understanding your retirement income in Surviving Layoffs.