Committee Updates
January 23, 2025
January 2025
Professional Development 1/14/2025
- Met with the Personnel Commission - Discussed the application process. District employees can call the Personnel Commission with any questions.
- If anyone walks into the Personnel Commission seeking assistance with the completion of their job application, staff will be on hand to assist with any questions or concerns.
- To receive a total of five extra points to their overall placement score, they need to provide proof of attendance, completion of courses you may have taken through the portal, and also any training or seminars you have attended.
- For promotional points and lost time capture, they will look into how the new software will allow employees to access the website to obtain points for attendance.
- For office staff regarding custody issues at drop off and pick up time, school personnel should check Synergy first.
Personnel Commission
- August 11, 2023, there were 727 approved and funded classified vacancies. As of December 12, 2024, the number of vacancies has decreased to 547. The number is expected to decrease by filling vacancies and working with the Office of School Support Services to abolish vacant positions.
- Former CSEA Site Representative Coordinator Eric Larsen was acknowledged for retirement as a Sign Maker.
Employee Relations (ERS)
- The District has the intent to continue to participate in the Summer Saver program. SIgnups for 10-11 months eligible employees will be able to sign up when it is ready.
- Juneteenth claim forms were sent out to CSEA eligible employees. Check your district emails.
- The District will fund 10 Paraeducators to go to the CSEA Paraeducator Conference in March. Expenses will be covered. Sponsored employees are expected to report back what they learned from the conference, do a presentation, and a little training in Professional Development.
- Concerns on contracted aides - the District had 8-hour contracts last year, this school year is now only 6 hours. We need to know if we are seeing 8-hour contracted aides in the district. Please contact the hotline if you are aware of sites with 8-hour contracted aides.