90-Minute Classes
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Growth Through Self-Awareness
Location: Room 100AB
Learn how self-awareness promotes personal growth and helps us understand the feelings and actions of others.
Habits from the Pandemic to Keep
Location: Room 107ABC
Explore four habits from the pandemic to keep!
Introduction to Neurodiversity
Location: Ballroom A
Learn how we can partner together to both understand and celebrate the value neurodiversity brings.
It's About Time: Time To Teach!, Time To Learn
Location: Room 203ABC
Learn practical strategies to make your classroom a healthier place for learning for each student.
Mental Health Awareness
Location: Room 204
Learn about mental health stigma including substance abuse disorders.
Professionalism 101: Business Practices for Today's Diverse Workforce
Location: Room 200ABC
Learn the principles of professionalism and how to apply them in your work environment.
Supporting Trans and Nonbinary Students
Location: Room 104B
Learn tools and resources to support and empower our youth around gender issues.