Press Release: CSEA Chapter 477 Endorses Kristal Orozco for Rio Hondo College Board of Trustees, Area 4

Sandra Hernandez, President
CSEA - Rio Hondo College, Chapter 477
Whittier, CA —The California School Employees Association (CSEA) of Rio Hondo College, Chapter 477, is proud to announce the official endorsement of Kristal Orozco for re-election to the Rio Hondo College Board of Trustees, Area 4, representing the communities of Los Nietos, Santa Fe Springs, South Whittier, and North Norwalk.
While CSEA respects the qualifications of all candidates running for this position, our endorsement is based on Trustee Orozco’s steadfast support for equity and her unwavering advocacy for the rights and needs of Classified workers, who are often the unsung heroes of the campus community. During her tenure, Trustee Orozco has proven to be a voice for Classified staff—those who keep the campus sanitized, manage essential services, and support students and faculty behind the scenes.
“Trustee Orozco’s commitment to addressing longstanding issues for Classified employees, such as the lack of an updated classification and compensation survey for over 25 years, has been transformative for our members,” said Sandra Hernandez, President of CSEA Chapter 477. “Her dedication to ensuring that all Classified positions have up-to-date job descriptions and fair compensation will have a lasting impact on the college’s ability to hire and retain the most qualified staff, ultimately benefiting the entire campus community.”
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Trustee Orozco ensured that safety protocols were in place and that the needs of Classified employees—who continued to work on-site as essential workers—were addressed. Under her guidance, Classified staff were not only integral in transitioning the college to an online learning environment but were also actively involved in maintaining the daily operations of the campus.
Trustee Orozco has also been a strong proponent of enhancing the voice of Classified workers in the shared governance of the college by advocating for increased representation on hiring committees and other shared governance bodies. Her support for professional development opportunities and the college bond for critical safety, facilities, and technology upgrades reflects her holistic approach to improving the educational and workplace environment for all.
For these reasons, CSEA Chapter 477 proudly endorses Kristal Orozco for re-election to the Rio Hondo College Board of Trustees for Area 4. Her vision and actions align with our mission to advocate for fair treatment and the advancement of all employees, making her the right choice to continue serving our communities.
CSEA Chapter 477 encourages voters in Los Nietos, Santa Fe Springs, South Whittier, and North Norwalk to re-elect Kristal Orozco to the Board of Trustees on Tuesday, November 5. To learn more about Kristal Orozco’s campaign and platform, please visit her website at