February Meeting Features VP Vote and Delegate Nominations

January 30, 2025

The February chapter meeting will be in person only on February 11 and feature two opportunities for members to vote, shaping the chapter's direction for this year. 


After last month's resignation of newly installed president, Tom Connolly, Angie Gutierrez stepped in to fill the role, leaving the first vice president position vacant. The chapter constitution and bylaws requires an in-person vote to fill the executive board seat. Members in attendance at the February chapter meeting starting at 5 p.m. at the district office can make nominations for the position. A secret vote will conduct if there is more than one candidate. Qualified candidates have been in good standing for a consecutive 12-month period and are willing to take over the presidency if necessary.


Additionally, nominations will be accepted for chapter delegates to the CSEA Annual Conference in July. To qualify for nomination, members must be in good standing and have attended at least three chapter meetings in the last 12 months.


"The annual conference really gives members an insiders look at how CSEA runs, " said Juli Isola, who was a first-time delegate for last year's annual conference. "The democratic action that takes place on the conference floor, from motions being made and amended to enthusiastic voting and comments, it's really something to see."


This year's CSEA annual conference takes place from July 20 -25 in Reno, Nevada. The chapter pays for travel, lodging and meals and all delegates receive full pay if they are working for the district the week of conference. Delegates on summer break will not receive compensation for their time. 


A full list of qualified members will be available at the chapter meeting. If you are wondering if you qualify,  you can reach out to Kay Connolly.